Loaves & Fishes is a nonprofit, nondenominational, Christian mission serving an area that includes 9 ZIP codes. We are able to provide a supplemental food bag to more than 300 qualified families weekly as well as monthly toiletries, cleaning supplies, household items, and baby essentials. At Thanksgiving and Christmas, holiday food is provided as well as new toys and gifts.
Loaves & Fishes receives no government funding. All that we accomplish is by God‘s wonderful grace, donations from local churches, schools, businesses, organizations, individuals, the care and kindness from the 85 wonderful volunteers who give their time, and only four paid employees. When Loaves & Fishes first started, we were located in a small house serving as a soup kitchen. We have grown over the years and have been in our current facility for more than 28 years.
“For I was hungry and you fed me; I was thirsty and gave me water; I was a stranger and you invited me into your home; I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me.”
Matthew 25:35
We operate with very low overhead. Our building and both vans are paid for, allowing the majority of our donations to go directly to helping our clients. These families are screened and proven to have legitimate needs. Loaves & Fishes feels God wants us to be good stewards with each and every donation.
In 1984, a need arose to help feed the victims of two devastating freezes.
Area churches combined their resources to create a ministry to help those less fortunate. Since that time, we have learned there are many reasons for families or individuals to need a helping hand – anyone can find themselves in need. It was first started as a soup kitchen, located in a small house at 25 West Station Street, which was leased from the City of Apopka for $1.00 per year.
In 1992, with funds raised by the Rolling Hills Reform Church,
Loaves & Fishes purchased the 3,400 sq. ft. building located at 206 E. 8th Street for $90,800. Renovations were complete in 1993. Because of the liability and cost of adding a kitchen, the decision was made to distribute food bags for families and bagged lunches for the homeless.
In 2011, the land adjacent to the Loaves & Fishes property was gifted by an anonymous donor.
The expansion project began in 2012 with the demolition of two condemned houses and trees on the donated property. This created a huge parking area for clients and volunteers and allowed for the reconfiguration of the old parking area behind the Loaves & Fishes building.
By freeing up the old parking lot, we now have over 6,000 sq. ft. of total building/warehouse space.
This expansion began in 2014 and was completed in August 2015. The total cost was in excess of $300,000 and was paid in full by a three-year fundraising project.
Loaves & Fishes is a Not-For-Profit, non-denominational Christian organization, funded by contributions from churches, businesses, organizations, schools, civic groups, and individuals. We receive generous and loving support in the form of monthly monetary donations, food donations, food drives, toiletry drives, holiday gift donations, needed household items, and volunteer hours. We receive No government funding.
Loaves & Fishes is proud to keep you up to date on our needs and activities by publishing a newsletter several times a year.
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