206 E 8th St. Apopka, Fl 32703 | Mon - Thurs: 9am - 2:30pm | 407 886-6005

What We Do

Our Mission Statement:
In the name of Jesus Christ, the Compassionate Savior, we seek to minister to the expressed physical & spiritual needs of persons living in Apopka and the surrounding communities.
Each donation helps improve the lives of over 300 families each week.
Anyone can find themselves in a situation that requires the help of others. There are many reasons for needing assistance, including, but not limited to, disability, loss of job, being a single parent, being a senior on a fixed income, or the loss of home. Loaves & Fishes provides supplemental food to over 300 qualified low-income families and individuals each week. We provide monthly cleaning supplies, toiletries, household items, baby essentials, and prescription financial assistance. In addition to helping families with a supplemental bag of food, the organization also serves a daily bagged lunch to approximately 38 homeless people four times a week.
Each year traditional holiday food bags are distributed for Thanksgiving and Christmas. In addition, clients receive a Publix gift card at Thanksgiving and a Dollar Tree gift card at Christmas. Christmas is also celebrated with Christmas tins filled with miniature chocolates for each client and new toys for parents and grandparents to give to their children/grandchildren. This is a monumental event that brings smiles to many families.
A help to those who need it
How We Help
Most of Loaves & Fishes registered, qualified families are on Social Security, have serious medical issues, disability, or are working part time or full time and still under the poverty level. If you and your family are in need of help and would like to become a Loaves & Fishes client, please click here to learn more about qualifications and requirements.
In 2023, Loaves & Fishes is proud to have:
- Distributed in excess of 25,662 food/toiletry items each month
- Handled a total of 10,318 families
- Served 18,627 individuals
- Provided $15,023 financial assistance to clients
- Received 13,297 volunteer hours
- Gifted new Christmas toys to over 900 children