Our volunteers are our heart! They take care of the community in need by meeting and greeting clients, processing new applications, renewing existing clients, answering the phone, and picking up donations from various businesses. They sort, stock, bag and box donations. They lovingly distribute hundreds of homeless lunches, toiletries, food pantry, and household items to families each week. Some of our volunteers have been here since our inception. Please call for our current needs.
What makes Loaves & Fishes extra special are the kind and wonderful volunteers who give of their time so graciously, without whom we could not open our doors. Many of the volunteers know the clients by first name and are happy to help the families with their needs. It can sometimes be very difficult when interviewing the families to hear their hardship stories but you can always count on the Loaves & Fishes volunteers to turn frowns into smiles.
Although we do not currently have any volunteer openings to assist in our day to day work, there are many other ways that you can make a great impact to the needy families in our community.
Please consider contributing in the following ways:
Your family/club/organization could collect food in your neighborhood/church/school. Or how about collecting food as an ‘entrance fee’ to a birthday party or social event (like the Super Bowl)!
Your donations of shampoo, deodorant, body wash, soap, toothpaste, tooth brushes, razors, pine cleaner, laundry detergent, dish soap, sponges, and toilet paper are greatly appreciated. While we all know that these items are a necessity, we must not take them for granted. For those in need, they are a luxury.
Laundered blankets, sheets, towels, pots and pans, small appliances are greatly appreciated. Have a closet cleaning competition with your friends!
Check your local grocery ads for the BOGO items featured each week. Buy one for your family and donate the free item to a family in need!
Loaves & Fishes is a Not-For-Profit, non-denominational Christian organization, funded by contributions from churches, businesses, organizations, schools, civic groups, and individuals. We receive generous and loving support in the form of monthly monetary donations, food donations, food drives, toiletry drives, holiday gift donations, needed household items, and volunteer hours. We receive No government funding.
Loaves & Fishes is proud to keep you up to date on our needs and activities by publishing a newsletter several times a year.
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