A courtesy overnight bag of food will be provided to you during our normal operating hours for Orange County residents ONLY Monday – Thursday from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. To find a location in your area, visit feedhopenow.org/need_food, or please call Second Harvest at 407 295-1066.
Our interview process should take no longer than 10 minutes, but please note that this is dependent on volunteer availability. Spanish interpretation available Mondays. At this time, for the safety of our volunteers and staff, clients must wear mask during visits.
Current proof of address for all adults and children living in household. We accept any current mail with name and address. For children age 5 and under, a birth certificate is acceptable. For children in school, a school paper or other mail showing their name and address. We DO NOT ACCEPT Driver's license, State ID, or mail with a Post Office Box address.
Current proof of income for all adults and/or children living in household (examples: pay stub or bank statement showing direct deposit, Social Security, Social Security Disability, food stamps, child support, etc.).
Current lease/rental agreement OR mortgage statement OR property tax statement OR notarized letter from landlord stating occupants name(s), rental address, rental dates, & rental fee.
Loaves & Fishes is a Not-For-Profit, non-denominational Christian organization, funded by contributions from churches, businesses, organizations, schools, civic groups, and individuals. We receive generous and loving support in the form of monthly monetary donations, food donations, food drives, toiletry drives, holiday gift donations, needed household items, and volunteer hours. We receive No government funding.
Loaves & Fishes is proud to keep you up to date on our needs and activities by publishing a newsletter several times a year.
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